Art Commission Info

(Some of the art examples here may be outdated, please check out my social medias to see more updated art!)

Pfp headshot (full render) - $15
Pfp headshot (lineart) - $10

Torso shot (full render) - $25
Torso shot (lineart) - $15

Full body (full render) - $30
Full body (lineart) - $25

If you have a different type of formatting, drawing style, or amount of detail planned for a commission than what I've shown, please feel free to ask about what may be changed for the prices! I'm always open to dms!

- Background is +$10 or more depending on details (flat color or simple pattern background doesn’t cost anything)
- Extra characters will be +$10 or more for each character, depending on difficulty of the drawing

Offensive/illegal content, hyper-realistic animals/people
Gore/horror, OCs, fanart, anthros, mecha/robots, suggestive/NSFW content, chibi cartoon and semi-realistic cartoon art styles

Contact me BEFORE paying! On my twitter @camjammed, instagram @c4ms_creations, or email [email protected]

You may request progress photos!You may use your commission for personal usage. (I.E. you may print it out to hang on your wall, use as a pfp, repost with credit, etc., but not sell for your own monetary gain)Questions about specially buying a commission for merchandise production are allowed, but only by the commissioner. Using a commission for merchandise production (without previously asking) or minting it as NFTs is not allowed.I have the right to reject any commission if I’m uncomfortable with it.If you can, please send any character/scene reference(s) and include as many details as possible in the descriptions when planning your commission.